10 books that I would like to read is hip-hip high school a friend recommended that so I took interest .I want to read it of pretty little liars books they seem interesting to read.I like mysteries books and like adventure things and romantic so my interest is more into those type of books .A book that seems interesting is called failure by Philip Schultz.The fault in our stars and yagui Delgado wants to kick you a**,Another one of my friends recommended this .I read a little summary of the books and I like them.Drama and more of gatekeeper books.I like books like that .Prodigy is another book I heard about .
The b ook I'm reading right now is called " Drums ,Girls + dangerous Pie" By Jordan SonnenBlick . This book is about 13 year old boy name Steven that is a drummer. He has a younger brother name Jeffrey that now has cancer. Steven tries to do anything he can for his brother to get better .Steven was so distracted about his brother having cancer he wasn't as focus on his school work. When Steven went to school he talk with his teacher and his teacher let him do his work that he hasn't been doing. Steven been feeling guilty about Jeffrey having cancer , and he thinks about the situation 24/7. His parents and a lot more people want him to also focus on work and do more activities he starts to play drum . Steven had like this girl at school for a while . Her name was Annette. He been trying to get her attention for a while but he just don't know how. Steven would always be at the hospital with his little brother. Jeffrey gets moved to different hospitals. Steve...
Pretty Little Liars does sound like a great series. I think Priniyiah is getting everyone hooked on it.